Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Google Page One Faster

Google Page One Faster as a search term is the highest ranked keyword that we have that delivers actual results to our telephone

These days everyone seems more interested in getting to google page one faster than ever before. Whilst I understand that Google represents around 65% of the total search traffic for the UK but by result that means that there will be 35% of the searches going elsewhere

Not all search engines are the same and many people chase the tail of getting to Google page one faster than any other search engine. However consider a simple business method of the successful for a moment.

Sometimes it's better to look at where people are coming from than follow them to where they are going. Getting there first is what society challenges us to do. However, we still give medals for silver and bronze.

Bing and Yahoo, silver and bronze if you like, are faster, potentially more reliable search engines than Google. Their results and indexations are less complicated and they deliver results from real people

I'm sure Google would love you to continue doing word of mouth advertising for them as we 'hooverise' our search terms to "google it". But next time you are trying to get a keyword on Google page one faster, spare a thought for Bing and Yahoo and monitor those results before ploughing ahead

Monday, April 18, 2011

Google Page One Guaranteed

Every day we have enquires from companies that have tried many ways of getting their website onto page one of Google for some of their chosen keywords

Many people have websites that have not been updated since they were first launched, have become littered with errors and frankly probably don;t work too well.

New search enquires have no loyalty to any website, people vote with their feet. On average you have just seven seconds and three clicks to impress a new searcher. Remember, they are looking for the products or services they require and have found your website. If it's difficult to find what they want they will vanish almost as quickly as they found you

Every visitor should be treated as precious, they should enjoy the visual image of the site, feel comfortable with the navigation and hopefully reward you by making an enquiry.

If your visitor traffic is high but noone spends much time on your site and you receive very few enquiries the public are telling you something important.

If you don't fix your website you may as well not have it

If you'd like us to give you a free report on what you could do to turn your poor performing website into a genuine cash machine why not give us a call on 0121 661 9355

We guarantee to have your website performing on page one of Google

free local business website

Every small business seminar I have been to lately has featured online marketing. Birmingham City Council, Barclays, Deliottes, every one of them has featured the importance of marketing a website.

There are very simple ways of getting new traffic to your website by simply making sure that your website address is included on all of your marketing materials. But that alone won't produce the joys that you see and hear other companies getting.

Google has a set of rules that it includes in it's Webmaster Central portion of their website. The rules are clear enough....if you understand the language but like most specialist fields they are made to appear much more difficult.

We run free seminars for small and medium sized businesses to show them what has been achieved by some of our existing clients.

We also offer training to anyone that wants to make their website come to life and start producing genuine enquiries.

Site2Rent was developed to offer SME's a free loacl business website operating for their trade or profession in the area they trade in. For example if you search accountant Coventry, or Coventry accountant you should find one of our websites on page one of Google,

This site alone receives some 500 visitors per month and generates between 30 and 50 enquires per month. If you are an accountant in Coventry and enquiry is worth at least £1000 so if you were to get even 5 new clients a month your website is worth nearly £60,000 worth of new business every year

Imagine that......

Google Page One Faster

Most people posting the search "Google page one faster" are searching for methods to bring their website onto the first page of Google to propel their business into the online market.

The reality is that gone are the days when you could produce a website and get a reasonable level of searches for your product or service just by having a website. With an estimated 8 million new websites being launched every month worldwide competition for places on page one of Google gets more fierce every day.

A recent CBI report showed that SME's who were trading online were growing four times faster that traditional retail businesses in the same market sector.

The UK is the largest buyer of products online in the UK and as Matt Brittin, CEO of Google UK said last week if you aren't making the most of online trading it's the same as having a retail show and keeping the door closed.

In 2010 UK companies spend 7%of GDP on online marketing to an audience of 1.8bn Internet users. By the end of this decade there will be 5bn people using the Internet for some 80% of their purchases. There will be 10bn mobile phone users accessing the Internet.

If you believe that this is the time to find out how your business could grow then we can offer you a free website, free hosting, free emails for twelve months to show you what can be acheived.

We'd like to hear from you, we won't bite, we won't talk jargon and we won't rip you off.